
Bachelor's Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques

I pursued my studies at the University of Lleida, specifically at the Universitary Campus d'Igualada, where I acquired a solid foundation in Information Technology.


Ansible for the Absolute Beginner


Automation is a big part of a DevOps Engineer, with this Ansible course I understand the basics to start automating projects with the tool.

DevOps with Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, git, GitFlow CI and CD


Through this course, I delved into the essentials of DevOps, gaining insights into key tools and methodologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Grafana, and Git.

Docker for the Absolute Beginner


True to its name, the course provided a comprehensive exploration of Docker, covering essential aspects of the technology such as Dockerfile, Docker Compose, Networks, and Images.

C Programming Bootcamp - The Complete C Language Course


The C course provided me with a thorough understanding of the C programming language, allowing me to delve deeply into its intricacies and gain a comprehensive grasp of working with it.

Courses in progress

  • AWS Cloud Practitioner certificate - AWS Training
  • Kubernetes for the absolute beginer - Udemy


Melbourne, Victoria